Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why String has been made immutable in Java?

Why String has been made immutable in Java?

Though, performance is also a reason (assuming you are already aware of the internal String pool maintained for making sure that the same String object is used more than once without having to create/re-claim it those many times), but the main reason why String has been made immutable in Java is 'Security'. Surprised? Let's understand why.

Suppose you need to open a secure file which requires the users to authenticate themselves. Let's say there are two users named 'user1' and 'user2' and they have their own password files 'password1' and 'password2', respectively. Obviously 'user2' should not have access to 'password1' file.

As we know the filenames in Java are specified by using Strings. Even if you create a 'File' object, you pass the name of the file as a String only and that String is maintained inside the File object as one of its members.

Had String been mutable, 'user1' could have logged into using his credentials and then somehow could have managed to change the name of his password filename (a String object) from 'password1' to 'password2' before JVM actually places the native OS system call to open the file. This would have allowed 'user1' to open user2's password file. Understandably it would have resulted into a big security flaw in Java.
I understand there are so many 'could have's here, but you would certainly agree that it would have opened a door to allow developers messing up the security of many resources either intentionally or un-intentionally.

With Strings being immutable, JVM can be sure that the filename instance member of the corresponding File object would keep pointing to same unchanged "filename" String object. The 'filename' instance member being a 'final' in the File class can anyway not be modified to point to any other String object specifying any other file than the intended one (i.e., the one which was used to create the File object).

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Memory Leak in Java? Does 'static' cause it?

Does 'static' cause Memory Leak in Java?

What's memory leak? In simple terms, it's unused but referenced (somehow because the programmer probably unintentionally forgot to remove the references once the use of the object was over) part of the memory. Before we start discussing if 'static' can cause memory leak in Java, let me assure you that whatever you've read about Garbage Collectors in Java, is still valid and it certainly takes care of most (almost all) of the memory allocation/reclaimation of Java objects. But, that alone doesn't remove the possibility of the presence of memory leak in a Java program - just for example, you might not only be using only Java objects in your Java program. Putting it differently, what if you have used some native objects and forgot to reclaim the memory explicitly because that's anyway not going to be taken care by the GC (which takes care of heap memory management only)... right?

Now that we agree with the possibility of a Java program having potential memory leaks, let's see if using 'static' can also be one of the potential reasons for memory leaks in Java.

How to find if your Java program contains Memory Leaks?

Well... the programmer should have kept their eyes open while development itself. Once the app is ready, one may like to use Profilers (available from many vendors) to analyze the object graphs.

If your Java app is usually crashing with 'OutOfMemoryError' after executing for a while then it should ring an alarm for the possibility of memory leaks in your app. Though, this doesn't necessarily mean your app is having memory leaks, it might be possible that the allocated heap space is not enough for the proper functioning of your app.

Does 'static' cause memory leak in Java?

'static' can't straightway be blamed for causing memory leaks. But, if the programmer has not well thought the usage and has not taken care of the setting the references to 'null' explicitly after using the static objects then they can definitely cause memory leaks. Let's see how.

As you know 'static' members will by default live for the entire life of an app unless they are explicitly set to 'null'. So, always make it a point to nullify the references as soon as you reach at a point in your code where the use of the static member is over. For example: suppose you have created a 'Statement' object from a DB Connection and the connection is a pooled one. Now as you know calling close() method on a pooled connection will not actually close the connection instead it will return the Connection object to the pool to be re-used. So, in such a case unless you explicitly close the 'Statement' object, it would keep consuming precious memory space for no real use. Just think the scenario where you have declared the 'Statement' object as a static member, it'll be maintained in the memory for the entire life time of the app even when the control is out of the scope. It's just a sample scenario and many of you might never have used 'Statement' object in such an irresponsible manner. It's just an attempt to show how the 'static' can be misused to cause memory leaks in Java.

Not that if your Statement object is non-static you should reply on the out-of-scope nullification (i.e., as soon as control is out of scope the local objects would be marked for re-claimation) as in case you still have a significant amount of code (in terms of time/space) after using the Statement last and before reaching the end of the local scope, it would be a sheer wastage of memory if you don't explicitly nullify the 'Statement' after its use is over. Such a scenario should also be thought of as memory leaks only and one should always make sure the nullification of resources is as close to their last usage as possible.

Therefore, in summary we can say that one should/must :-

  • always think if you really need to make this variable/member a 'static' one?
  • always try to confine the scope of an object to restrict its usage only to the section it's actually needed
  • always make a conscious effort to explicitly nullify objects once you finish using them (especially the large objects)

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